Cody Hall


Dec 22 at 06:36 PM

I love how Jenny give options for upping our performance and encouraging us to “try it”. The last two lives she gave the level up and I was like YEAH RIGHT but then she said just try it and Girls…I did it!!! JUST TRY IT!!


Dec 22 at 06:21 PM

Saved this one for a go back to!! I felt like you were talking to me…even when you weren’t. Like seconds before you said think positive about yourself as a challenge I was looking at my legs and grossed out!!

Commented on Monday Full Body

Dec 19 at 12:49 PM

Loved it!!! Will be saving that to do again in the next two “off” weeks!!

Dec 19 at 12:48 PM


Dec 15 at 12:41 PM

I feel like if this was someone’s first session they would push the subscribe for life button!!! I was dying. 🤣

Dec 14 at 10:42 AM

Definitely in!!!

Dec 12 at 07:49 PM

Yessss…nutrition is something I would love to be more educated on. You can eat your way through any workout.


Dec 12 at 12:14 PM

Just love how real you are…no bs no sugar coating. Goal is to be content with my current body status while still pushing myself to get to the next level.


Dec 09 at 01:13 PM

Literally died at back boobs!!!

Dec 08 at 07:13 PM

This was sooo good. Didn’t repeat the whole time but did go back and did another round!!! Added this to the back session for this week!!!