
Commented on BTS: LEGS & SHOULDERS

Mar 07 at 08:56 AM

After just running, yoga and the Get Salty videos without weights due to travel for a week, this session got me right and my booty gonna feel it tomorrow ❀️

Feb 22 at 12:17 PM



Feb 22 at 12:13 PM

Today is a weird day...big game day and I have to work midnights as a favor...sitting around all day for game and work is not my things SO I did the cardio, went to yoga, grocery store and all that..still jittery about the game so I did a cardio hip hop with Jenny....I was dancing around like a straight fool πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I suggest this to anyone who needs to get out of their head for a hot minute....


Commented on Wowza and Yikes!

Feb 22 at 12:09 PM

My chest is still sore!

Feb 22 at 12:09 PM

I'm showing this to my significant other and saying "see everyone has a squat rack...."


Feb 20 at 10:49 AM

Thank you for always showing up for this tribe ❀️πŸ’ͺ


Commented on BTS: CHEST & CORE

Feb 20 at 10:48 AM

Low energy Jenny my a** 😱 great session ❀️


Feb 17 at 01:56 PM

Done with all the strength for this week..saving Tuesday and Thursday for this weekend at work! Love this community!


Commented on WEEK 3: FULL BLAST

Feb 13 at 06:01 AM

I think I missed this one along the way! Started here cause i have to be at work at 7:) looking forward to the first day of strength ❀️

Commented on BACK FOR FUN

Feb 06 at 11:34 AM

I loved this one! I like the way it was set up at the end!