
Sep 04 at 06:27 AM

Yes yes yes, a thousand times over everyone needs to say yes to the Appalachian Trail ❤️ AND YES to the retreat! You cannot go wrong with Jenny!

Aug 28 at 04:29 PM

So happy I got to do this live! I stayed for 10 mins of the burn ❤️

Aug 20 at 08:53 AM

I had to stop after the weights and get my run in, came back to finish...yikes! Ending was killer!

Aug 12 at 08:48 PM

I was struggling to get to this....saw the Bulgarians and thought no way...however, I bet more than one person felt that way but chose to train... Jenny truly is the best ❤️

Aug 07 at 09:01 AM

So hard to turn those last 12 minutes off BUT I went outside and walked for 15 mins before getting ready for work. Got my feet on the earth and the sunlight ❤️

Commented on BTS: BACK & CORE

Aug 05 at 08:49 AM

Had to start here due to scheduling conflict 😂 can't wait to do this morning's session! I am still unsure of the cleans..about the only lift that seems so abnormal to me!

Jun 05 at 06:50 AM

I hadn't done those hamstring exercises with the ball in YEARS....smh....I know why...


Jun 04 at 07:45 AM

So glad I stayed around for the handstand holds ❤️ always what I need, right on time ❤️

Commented on WEEK 2: PRIMAL (🌴)

Jun 03 at 06:56 AM

Catching up! Yes!

May 19 at 08:56 AM

I did the burpees BUT I swept my kitchen for 30 seconds because I ran 5 miles before this session 😂😂 just being honest 😂
