Matty Toten

Feb 02 at 01:53 PM

Great workout! I can't lift my arms lol

Jan 31 at 11:09 AM

I'm about a week behind but I'm getting it done. The back workout was awesome today.

Jan 31 at 11:08 AM

2 more my ass lol. Awesome workout❤️

Jan 29 at 10:35 AM

Awesome ab shredder this week.


Jan 29 at 10:32 AM

Awesome workout ❤️


Jan 28 at 10:38 PM

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Things didn't go as planned so I'm still finishing week 3 but it's all good. Still haven't took more then two rest days in a row. Tomorrow morning is week 3 back and I'm so excited! Hope everyone has a great week.

Jan 26 at 01:43 PM

So I'm a little behind and just did the leg workout from week 3. I feel like I'm gonna puke a little. I think that's a good sign lol.

Jan 26 at 01:42 PM

That workout killed me! So good Jenny

Jan 24 at 01:31 PM

Love boxing! Thanks Jenny.

Jan 20 at 10:47 PM

Hope everyone is having a a great week. I've had two sick kiddos. So work have been all o er the place but so far I haven't taken more then two rest days that means I got to get that leg session in tomorrow. Just trying to remind myself I don't need to be perfect. Just get it done anyway I can.