Matty Toten

Replied on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 22 at 02:19 PM

Way to get back to it. I always dread leg days too but at the end I'm glad I did it.


Commented on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 22 at 02:17 PM

That lower body was a killer. I hate Bulgarian squats with a passion but ii made it through.

Aug 22 at 02:17 PM

Love the giving birth exercise 😜

Commented on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 19 at 10:50 AM

Full body done now time for some fun💖 Have a awesome weekend!!!

Commented on MVP: W2 ANIMAL HIIT

Aug 19 at 10:49 AM

Love the primal movement.

Commented on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 17 at 02:46 PM

Love a good back session. It is probably my weakest body part right now so I love getting stronger in that area.

Aug 17 at 02:45 PM

Favorite body part to work is my back. Thanks for the awesome workout 💗

Replied on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 16 at 02:39 PM

I have a feeling you will be distracted for a couple days from that lower body burner🔥


Commented on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 16 at 02:38 PM

I'm a couple days behind but I loved the glutes workout for this week.

Replied on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 13 at 12:57 PM

I full you girl. Arizona girl here 🥵
