Matty Toten

Commented on Proud of ME 🧂

Jun 28 at 04:33 PM

I remember that one🤪 way to keep going!


Replied on Anyone else?

Jun 26 at 10:26 PM

Thanks so much. I think that will be me this week. I'm just going to take it easy before the new challenge.

Replied on Anyone else?

Jun 26 at 10:24 PM

Thanks so much. Trusting my body is definitely something I'm working on.

Commented on Week 8

Jun 26 at 08:10 PM

Woohoo get it girl!!!!


Jun 26 at 08:51 AM

Woop Woop!

Commented on Down time

Jun 24 at 10:55 PM

Way to make the most of your time. Thos little things add up.

Commented on Totally bummed

Jun 24 at 10:54 PM

I'm so sorry I know how that is. I bent over one day and my back went out. It is a very humbling experience. Hang in there and I hope you feel better soon.❤️


Commented on In case you forgot…

Jun 23 at 03:36 PM

Hope your trip went well. We all appreciate you💕


Commented on Couple days off

Jun 22 at 01:36 PM

I'm in the same boat aunt flow is visiting me and I haven't been feeling it the last couple days. But I'm starting to feel better and ready to hit it again.


Commented on R&R

Jun 22 at 01:35 PM

Way to go girl. I feel the chaos sometimes especially sense the kiddos are home for summer. Trying to give myself extra grace during these times.
