Miriam Taschner

Apr 21 at 08:30 PM


Apr 21 at 02:08 PM

I found that I chuckled out loud when she said “little extra…and one guy in back”…that one got me😂🤣

Apr 21 at 09:55 AM

Thanks for the shoutout!! Totally made my day!! I’m so lame!!!🤣 thanks Jenny! Totally sore today, but I’m motivated to do this workout!! 👊🏽💪🏽

Apr 21 at 09:53 AM

Apr 20 at 01:42 PM

Wow!!! Silly me started this program late…(fieldtrips and a bit of nervousness). So I thought I would do Tuesday and Wednesdays today becasue I hate being behind…well these arms are toast!!! But feels so good!!! Thanks Jenny for the encouragement! Glad I joined! 🥰

Apr 19 at 07:51 PM

What are did I miss something? We can do workouts live? What time are these at?