amber bantle

Aug 07 at 07:52 AM

Going hybrid haha

I knew it was gonna be burpbees at the end πŸ™ƒ

Aug 07 at 06:23 AM

Its so hard to decide which track to do hahah

Jul 29 at 10:21 AM


Commented on WEEK 8: EMOM

Jun 07 at 06:02 AM

Just did this in the airport at 545am- needed movement before a day of travel for a work trip. Thank you!! Needed this to get my endorphins going after saying goodbyes to family πŸ’ž

May 24 at 07:12 AM

A week behind, but catching up!! Great way to start the day!


May 17 at 06:57 AM

Holy legs!!! Pretty girl walk gonna be happening alllll day

May 13 at 07:19 AM

This was great!!! I did definitely grumple when tou added that other round!!

May 06 at 07:12 AM

So happy to be back in action!!!


Mar 06 at 07:08 AM


Feb 21 at 06:43 AM

My armmmsss well ahoulders. The shake the whole time doing the push up!
