Shanna Johnson

Perkins, OK, United States

Feb 08 at 10:23 PM

That’s it, we’re done…..for the most part. 🤣😂🤣😂 I knew it was too good to be true…I’m quickly learning your ways.

Feb 05 at 09:02 PM

My buns are burnin’!! 🔥

Feb 03 at 03:34 PM

My daughter heard my shout out, and was like, “Did she say Shanna? Was she talking to you?!” Yes…yes she was. It came at just the right moment too…needed that little kick in the butt! 🤣🤣

Feb 02 at 03:52 PM

Fun, fun, fun!

Feb 01 at 12:55 AM

Another great session. Ninja cartwheels were fun!


Commented on MVP: W3 MINI CARDIO

Jan 25 at 03:28 PM

Love, love, loved this one! Donkey kicks to handstand…my favorite. ❤️

Jan 24 at 02:40 PM

My goal is to complete the full 12 weeks of the Grind. So often, towards the end of a goal/program I either lose focus, make excuses and never finish, or life gets in the way and I may miss a few days. I am an all in or nothing person. If something happens where I can’t be all in, I just quit. I know in my mind something is better than nothing and later is better than never, but it’s so hard for me to apply that for myself. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m working on it!!

Jan 24 at 02:00 PM

Love incorporating the barbell!


Jan 24 at 01:58 PM

Mind blown at my improvement on the fit test. 7 more push-ups and 10 more v-ups than week 1! 🤯💪🏼👊🏼

Jan 22 at 04:46 PM

So much goodness in this one! Bulgarian split squats (my most hated exercise, but they work so good), the HIIT, the ab burner at the end, and you took me back to my gym days with the hollow body holds. Loved it!