April 28, 2023

Traveled to my folks today to celebrate my daddy’s 86 bday. Love coming to their community fitness center! Two victories today: HANDSTANDS!! Amazing what having a wall will do for your confidence level! Actually held one for about five seconds and was so shocked I had to dance a little. Second victory: fully extended push-ups all five rounds! First time post surgery and such a significant sign of strength progression for me. I tend to do a modified burpee to protect my lower back so typically I like to do ball slams with it using a large weighted medicine ball. This fitness center has a nice size 14 pounder which was a perfect end to a great workout. Ball slams are without doubt in my top three favorite exercises. I think I would like to change my stage name to Ball-Slammin’ Queen! Will do core from yesterday tomorrow when I have more time! Great way to get all my muscles awake after driving for four hours!