Alli Himes


May 23 at 03:24 PM

I wouldn't hate it if there were more sessions with Hanson playing in the background 😂 but for real, I'm appreciating these workouts this week. Easing back into things.



May 22 at 09:25 PM

I gave myself the weekend to rest for sure, but I don't want to break from something so good. At this point, GS is part of my daily routine. It is built in. It's something I look forward to. Also, my 1 yo decided she only wanted a 30 minute nap and mom works ft from home. I had to get back to work so little miss joined me



May 15 at 02:36 PM

Iykyk! 🤣🤣 today was the first day I didn't have to run off in the middle of my workout. What a win!



May 15 at 09:57 AM

Let's goooo! I'm so excited for the retreat this week! And I've been itching to dive into my week 5 workouts, a feeling I haven't had in a while. Getting I to the habit of checking in with this community, I think, has something to do with that feeling too 🥰🤗


May 12 at 10:23 PM

Today was the first day I could bend over, legs straightened and flattened my hands to the ground. My goal coming into get salty was of course stay fit, but moreso to improve my mobility. I realized what I accomplished and I'm so happy! I still have some ways to go but man.. that one little stretch was a mile marker on how far I've come since day 1



May 12 at 09:13 AM

I can't wait to push play on the Friday live this afternoon! I know it's supposed to be another box to check but ad a type A person, I live for checking boxes. It fills my cup. Makes me happy. Gives me something to look forward to. These workouts are a checked box for me, yes. But they are also so much more than that! Happy Friday you beautiful people!



May 10 at 04:02 PM

Swapped Thursday for today to save today for tomorrow. Are you following? lol good thing though because I reeeally needed those stretches. Happy hump day folks! Get salty!



May 05 at 04:07 PM

My thought after each workout this week. Lol loved them all! Really enjoying this series. Jonathan might think you're weird, but really weird is the new normal haha also two words - "salt makers" ✌🏼



May 02 at 02:06 PM

Feeling good, feeling pumped after today's shorty! Get after it salt squad! Love this community!!



Apr 28 at 12:53 PM


I've come to terms with the fact that this week's workout order for me was whack hahaha but I've two words "BOOTY BISCUITS" lmao!! Jenny, you're out yo damn mind, but I love ya!