Alli Himes

Commented on Hello!

Aug 10 at 02:51 PM

Yay! Welcome! I love this picture!!


Aug 10 at 02:47 PM

Last week, I was able to race my 6 yo up a tunnel slide...and I beat her! No mercy!! Haha functional fitness at its finest. I'm all in here to be all in with my girls. In other news, my arms are DONE after that arm and chest sesh



Aug 08 at 01:29 PM

Did the 20 minute strength today and my tot joined me :) I caught this look mid lift when I looked back at my little video and for me, it's enough to keep me going. Here's to strong mamas!



Aug 07 at 01:14 PM

My husband took the 35 kb with him for military week, so I was forced to do the 40... UGHHH 😣😂 how dare he inadvertently challenge me to lift more hahaha I may or may not have gotten annoyed with him before I realized how ridiculous I was being 🤭



Jun 21 at 11:21 PM


Nora took a nap that was an hour and a half shorter than usual, G was amazing but finding and building in the special Gracie time every night is a challenge. Worth it, but challenging, back to back calls, no flexibility in my work schedule today. Nothing really went according to plan. And solo parenting today on top of it all. I took a day of rest and recovery. Sure, I could've forced a workout at some point today or after the girls went down for bed, but workouts shouldn't feel forced. I'll get back on the saddle tomorrow but I'll relish in the memories G and I made playing barbies before bedtime in the meantime...


Jun 21 at 11:14 PM

Oh yay!! Excited!!!


Jun 16 at 02:10 PM

Finally! Got the Tabula workout scheduled for this week in. It's almost an hour and I was kind of dreading it, so I kept pushing itnoff this week. I was going to be damned though if I didn't do it today. Chugged a pre workout, muted myself on my company meeting (and turned off video 🤣) and knocked that shit out. Feeling better now. Whew!



Jun 14 at 08:51 PM

I came up with all of the excuses not to get a workout in today. I wanted to do Tabula Rasa but it's also almost an hour. I let the entire day go by. I've made these workouts so a part of my routine that I felt guilty for skipping today.. I don't feel burnt out, otherwise yes, a rest day is necessary. I look forward to these breaks and I didn't give myself that so I felt the guilt settle in the later it got. So here it is, 8:50pm and I did the quick 20 minute mini cardio. I feel SO much better, like my day is now fulfilled. But also what the HAIL?! mini cardio does NOT mean mini effort 😂 that was tough! Bring it on!!


Commented on Burnt biscuits

Jun 14 at 08:47 PM

Yess! Haha agreed! Including going up in weights. 💪🏼 💪🏼

Commented on Calendar

Jun 14 at 08:34 AM

Omgosh decision fatigue is the perfect way to describe the feeling. Thankful for the preselected/recommended workouts. And good on you for adding in core after!!