Paula Carr MacDonald

Gainesville, VA, United States


May 04 at 04:26 AM

Paired the mini cardio from Tuesday with the Yogish flow for today … great combo. Also, something I have noticed that Jenny said would happen, I now burn more calories (per my 🍏 watch) during my sessions than I did when I started … my “machine” is getting tuned up and running smoother I guess 🤩



May 01 at 07:14 AM

First sorry for the book …

So I have been seeing a chiropractor since January for severe lower back pain (guess it happens from 20 years of walking gimpy 🤪). The last few weeks I have had increased discomfort in my low back again going down into my hamstrings, Chiro said it is b/c as we get things moving again it stretches tendons/ligaments. So, Friday after seeing him I went to yoga, not sure what I did but at the end of class could barely get off my mat ☹️. So I rested this weekend, used ice and my Thera gun, and liberally applied my deep blue stick (best stuff ever). This morning I still have a bit of tenderness but did manage Fridays session and in listening to Jenny during and seeing all your posts, I’m now questioning whether it is my back only or a combo of that crazy leg day last week, too 🙃 Chiro again today, will get his thoughts … btw, the Friday mobility portion really helped loosen up my thighs / back!



Apr 27 at 04:01 AM

Hello thighs … thought I lost y’all back in ‘88 but you’re still rocking 🤪🤣



Apr 18 at 07:19 AM

Had to travel to Ogden for work … so glad I don’t have to miss week 1! #SaltSqadCanTravel!



Mar 23 at 04:29 AM

Cracked me up 🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the shout out … no shame in my game.



Mar 07 at 04:33 AM

Holy smokes Batman! Adding cardio to the lifting was intense! I had to go down in weight and am always low impact (sadly) but I managed it all … even managed the last push effort. My shoulders will feel that one tomorrow I am sure!



Jan 17 at 05:18 AM

Had to take last week easy due to lower back and knee stuff … so walked and did yoga rather than Get Salty. Back this morning and phew I am whooped 🤪



Dec 21 at 05:13 AM

I posted on the actual video a couple weeks ago but it apparently disappeared into the abyss ... thanks much for the squat tips. I appreciate you! Also, any tips / mods for when you are doing fast lunges side to side ... this twice replaced knee can not transition quickly 🙃