
Jan 17 at 03:52 PM

Done it 4 damn times....

Jan 16 at 09:00 PM

I've done ALL THE SESSIONS, but had to mix them up this week due to snow, work and life. Did the yoga and mini cardio this evening after work. I use to practice favorite thing to do was go to yoga in other cities. I loved it. My favorite part of Jenny's retreat (beach retreat) was the yoga on the beach. Yoga helps EVERYTHING else in your life but the only thing you can do to help your yoga is to do it ❤️ I read a saying once that said "it's not about touching your toes, it's what you learn on the way down" ❤️

Jan 16 at 08:57 PM


Jan 15 at 04:12 PM

Snowy morning in West Virginia but still got it done! Love the playlist!

Jan 14 at 08:00 PM

What a story ❤️


Jan 12 at 04:46 PM

I knew it, user error 😂😂😂now what the heck lol


Jan 12 at 02:38 PM

Does anyone have issues listening with your AirPods? This has been like this for a few months and I usually just take them out since I'm mostly at home with the workout or alone in the gym at work but recently I've started going to two other places near my house that I will need to have my AirPods in... I need to hear my Jenny!

Jan 12 at 02:34 PM

Tabitha Hook awww, you are sweet! Miss you!

Jan 12 at 12:27 PM

Look how cute you are 🥰


Jan 11 at 05:25 PM

Love these training sessions ❤️
