Shannon Lee

Jan 16 at 07:30 AM


Jan 16 at 07:23 AM

Hello Monday!! Thankful that I get to do the lives on Mondays. Gets me going strong for the week!!! And thank you for that glorious glute stretch at the end after the 18 part band move 😂😂

Jan 13 at 08:07 AM


Commented on Did It

Jan 13 at 08:02 AM

Big High five to you!!!!

Jan 10 at 07:50 AM

Just did the chest and tricep from last week holy smokes my friend!!! Also- wasn’t cool enough for sorority life (so glad), I thought my Nike shocks were the coolest EVER and wore them til the soles fell off. Maybe what was part of back problems later 😂 and glad the double bounce didn’t hinder the proposal!😝

Jan 09 at 09:29 AM

love that i get to start the week off with the live class!! awesome workout and such a treat at the end!!

Commented on AMRAP

Jan 09 at 09:28 AM

got one today in the back and core workout!!

Jan 08 at 02:25 PM

Please record 😁

Commented on Devils press Friday!!!

Jan 07 at 11:48 AM

Love the 💪🙌

Commented on Leveling up!

Jan 07 at 11:48 AM
