Beth Meals


Aug 21 at 04:50 PM

Leg days are my favorite days but my lanta mine are toast after that one!


Aug 09 at 09:15 PM

My chesticles, shoulders and shaky triceps thank you!!



Aug 07 at 06:27 PM

Holy smokes MVP day 1 my legs are 💀! And I’m sure it doesn’t help I just finished the L&B series yesterday in 1 weeks time since I had to play catch up after a break from surgery. So excited for the strength track this series!

Aug 02 at 05:45 PM

So excited for options because I always feel like a want all the strength to build lean mass!



Apr 29 at 02:17 PM

I legit broke my booty band 1 sumo deadlift in! 🤪 Jenny what brand of booty band do you use? Yours look sturdy!

Commented on WEEK 2: CORE & MORE

Apr 29 at 02:14 PM

Holy 🔥 my core is 💀 but man I think this is my favorite ab workout ever! Will be doing this on the regular!

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

Apr 29 at 01:50 PM

Just finished burnt biscuits and totally broke my booty band after the first set of sumo deadlifts and had to tie it together 🤪 Jenny what brand of booty bands do you have? They look sturdy!


Apr 22 at 10:06 AM

I’m on Thursday of week 1 of beach shred and could not be happier to be caught up! I started with the athlete maker beginner series in January and finished the BTS series this past Monday because I was 2 weeks behind thanks to a stomach bug and sinus infection! (I’m new here as of January I’ve strictly done yoga for over 5 years now and haven’t lifted since college but happy to be back at it!)