Jane Hardy


Nov 11 at 11:27 AM

Thank you Jenny Fisher! Since connecting with you and the Salt Squad this year I've worked out with so much more purpose, consistency and have had so much fun.
This past wkend my 25y/o daughter and I had competed in the Fenway(BOS) Spartan Stadion Race and had a ball. What a thrill it was to be able to run every obstacle with success, agility and strength. (The active recovery work we do paid off substantially) I would never have signed up for this or been able to complete it had it not been for you and your awesome fitness app. (Beast Mode came at a perfect time!)Thanks to you, Jenny Fisher, I've never felt stronger. Being part of the Salt Squad, physically and nutritionally, I feel empowered and so much more in charge of my health. What an awesome feeling. Thank you!
Enjoy getting salty ya'll.


Oct 22 at 02:28 PM


~ This was a perfect workout since I had little space and limited equipment avail while visiting my son. Got it done! Thanks for the grt workout!

Oct 16 at 03:12 PM


Loved this chest work today. Building back after a rib injury s/p slipping off a ladder. Felt grt to participate 100%.

Wanted to share a little hack for the morning ATP kickstart. Keep a bottle of honey in the gym. 1 tsp and your done and ready to Get Salty! ---no longer hitting pause bec I forgot and had to run to the kitchen.


Oct 13 at 10:46 AM

Excited to be a part of the Beast Squad for the next 6wks!


Sep 20 at 03:48 PM

Fabulous back day! 2024 new goal—-conquer the BEAST OUT move. Close, but just can’t get it..yet.

Sep 15 at 07:35 AM

Best birthday "Party"! Family first, so had to put it on hold for a day. Couldn't wait to attend. Loved the workout~~TY & HBD🎂 !

Aug 28 at 07:36 AM

This was one of my favorite workouts!Pushed through some weight and topped off the cardio through the panting. Such a great feeling to see it through full throttle. The mobility pull through and flip were my favorite--such a grt side/shoulder/ab stretch. --Thank you Miss Jenny Fisher!! You always deliver.

Aug 26 at 07:39 AM

Great workout. Love that my bench is being used for more than just being sat on & good Lordy, my hammy's lit up after that band work! Needed that. ~ Thank you!

Aug 18 at 07:31 AM

"Pop Overs", my new favorite finishing move to each workout! Fun!

Aug 16 at 07:08 AM

What a great coach !