Matty Toten

Jan 17 at 01:46 PM

Loved working my lower back it is so weak.

Jan 16 at 03:11 PM

That yoga was good for my soul today.


Jan 16 at 03:10 PM

Angie Morrell yup that is a pull up bar. And I love the box it is handy for so many things.


Jan 16 at 03:03 PM


Here's my little sanctuary.

Jan 16 at 02:52 PM

That is bad ass!

Jan 16 at 02:03 PM

Just what I need especially the end. That song really got to me. Thank you so much Jenny 💕

Jan 14 at 02:39 PM

Just finished the cardio core workout and stretch from this week. Both are being added to my favorites playlist.

Commented on THE GRIND W2: STRETCH

Jan 14 at 02:38 PM

Feeling amazing ❤️


Jan 14 at 02:21 PM

So much fun!!!

Jan 12 at 02:33 PM

Push day finished. My chesticle will be feeling that tomorrow.
