Matty Toten

Commented on Success!!

Jun 18 at 02:55 PM

Way to take a ime for you and multi task lol!!!!

Commented on Making a LOT of salt

Jun 18 at 02:54 PM

I knew deep in my gut by the title she was going to grace us with the salt makers lol.


Commented on WEEK 3: MAKING SALT

Jun 18 at 02:50 PM

Awesome workout 👏

Replied on WEEK 3: MAKING SALT

Jun 18 at 10:00 AM



Jun 14 at 07:00 PM

I think this one has become one of my favs.

Commented on Burnt biscuits

Jun 14 at 06:05 PM

I'm about to do this workout and not going to lie leg days always make me a little nervous lol

Commented on Going Heavy

Jun 14 at 06:04 PM

Way to go girl!!! I need to start keeping track more.


Commented on Calendar

Jun 13 at 11:39 PM

I totally agree I use to second guess myself and put so much pressure on myself to pick the perfect workout. I glad I don't have to think about it.


Commented on Beach shred week 6

Jun 13 at 11:37 PM

Way to go girl! You got this.


Commented on Hard Work Pays Off

Jun 12 at 08:40 PM

You deserve a break. Thanks for the amazing challenge.