Dianna Henslee

Oct 17 at 07:41 AM

Hi Beasties!

This is long…. Sorry!

This morning (Thursday) I awoke and kept naming reasons to not do the workout…. I’ll do it later, I need to fold laundry, the dishwasher needs emptied…. Yadda yadda yadda!

I finally said ‘hey if you want results you gotta get moving and get it done and stop making excuses’….

I did it!!!! And followed it with a brisk walk with my pups!

I spent alot of time naming reasons to not do it which took a heck of a lot more time than doing it (and oh by the way the laundry still needs folded and the dishwasher still needs emptied 😂).

Sorry for the length… maybe this will keep me accountable!

I plan to stay and be salty!

Oct 16 at 08:09 AM

Amazing chest day! I feel like Terry Crews! 😂

Oct 14 at 09:25 AM

I posted on the general chat… oopsie! Technology!!!!

Well hello Monday and oh howdy hi hamstrings! Day one and done!


Oct 14 at 07:17 AM

Well hello hamstrings!


Sep 29 at 06:22 AM

My trial has ended.
‘End of business close out sale!’ SOLD!
Now to get my gut in check!
Let’s Goooooo!