April 01, 2023

It’s been four weeks since my last strength training session, and today just felt right to get back in the saddle. Still working through recovery post surgery (had a lobectomy on March 7 - right upper lobe due to a cancerous mass that was found). Almost in tears because of how good the last 53 minutes felt, and simply praising God for movement, healthy bodies, and the strength He has given me these last six or seven weeks of walking through this most unexpected journey. Started in the beginner’s series because I just wasn’t sure what I would be capable of. Did the 12 minutes sessions for back: strength, muscle endurance, flexibility and balance, and then finished with the core. Yes, I had to use significantly lighter weight than what I am used to, and I did get a little winded, but overall, my body was just squealing with delight to be moving and training again. My chest tube incision is still a bit tender (it’s just under my breast) and my lung is still adjusting to the new normal and shifting up in that spot where the lobe was, so I had to make some modifications to the core work. When it didn’t feel right, I just moved into a plank position and held it. Great great first session back. My comeback has started!! Thank you Jenny for your continued support and encouragement throughout this journey. You truly do go above and beyond. Can’t wait to hug your neck in May!