Trace Kennedy

May 19 at 12:46 PM

I felt that leg workout for days!


May 18 at 05:30 PM


Day behind due to a Friday that just wouldn’t let up, which made this full body workout today all the more salty! I absolutely loved that format - went by so quickly and by the end had me drenched and wiped! Had considered doing back to back sessions today, but no thank you! Will do the chest session tomorrow. Literally dripping sweat onto my chest as I type!😅🧂

May 17 at 11:35 AM

Super impressive!!

May 17 at 11:34 AM

Only way I ever do yoga and so crazy how I have grown to almost enjoy it!

May 17 at 11:33 AM

Wherever you are, I hope you’re having a great time!

May 17 at 11:32 AM

Duly noted….😱

May 17 at 11:31 AM

Straight up insanity!


May 16 at 06:09 PM

Decided to combine Thursday’s’ level up cardio session with today’s yoga core session. THAT was just what the doctor ordered. I marveled at how far my yoga moves have come. Movements that just a few months ago felt awkward and disjointed, I actually moved through them today with confidence and relative grace. I did have to laugh when Jenny said the yoga session probably wouldn’t produce a lot of sweat because at that particular moment, I was sweating like I was still doing cardio!

May 16 at 12:13 PM

Deidra Stansbury no truer words!!


May 15 at 05:25 PM

Back and bicep (and shoulder….) was sneaky hard. Energy level is at half mast today, so just pushing through was the progress I made today. More progress was just owning the salt makers instead of cursing them. That is definitely a win for me!