Trace Kennedy

May 09 at 04:41 PM

Have a wonderful time Tabitha!!


May 09 at 04:41 PM

Holy Salt Shaker your gym is FIRE! 🔥🔥


May 09 at 04:39 PM

I had to do that on Monday for the leg session and realized I probably didn’t eat as much as I normally would have if I wasn’t working out. So maybe a good thing??

May 09 at 04:38 PM

Getting ready to call it a day and get after it. Thanks for the motivation!

May 09 at 04:37 PM

You have the salty glow going on for sure!! 🧂🩵

May 09 at 04:36 PM

Jenny Fisher wouldn’t miss it!

May 08 at 06:11 PM


I’m as salty and wet as the ocean right about now! LOVE Back days and this one did not disappoint. First time since last week that I actually feel pretty good, although head is still full of snot (sorry for the TMI), but it just felt great to train without a headache! Felt so good after the session, I opted to do yesterday’s mini cardio session. The only thing I modified up though was the last session and did each exercise for the full minute. I subbed out the pencil jumps with Ball slams, because ball slams are fun, and well, pencil jumps aren’t. I cannot say how grateful I was that that session had only three rounds. I thought it would have four. I praised the Lord and high fived my dog!

May 07 at 06:52 PM

Wow! You’re a beast!!

May 06 at 09:49 PM

It’s an athlete thang 😜


May 06 at 09:48 PM

