Trace Kennedy


Jun 06 at 01:37 PM

Anyone else think it would be a fun contest to guess how many pairs of athletic shoes Jenny has??



May 04 at 05:09 PM

Wednesdays leg and back session complete and seriously, my dogs are lapping up my sweat 🤣🤣🤣 Hands down one of my favorite salt sessions ever! Turned this grey around!! 😎🌤️🌟



May 02 at 12:28 PM

Tuesday’s was definitely quick, but when it was over, I was really grateful there wasn’t a five minute AMRAP! Great way to grease all my joints mid-day!



May 01 at 09:01 AM

Took a sneak peak to see what I’ll be doing later today and so grateful it isn’t leg day! 😂😂 Booty and Hammies are still talking to me from Saturdays workout! I’m gonna try and hit this at lunch time if anyone wants to join me!



Apr 29 at 05:33 PM

Whew! Not gonna lie, Wednesdays workout was 🔥🔥

Finished it out with Thursdays core and I am salted from head to toe! Tomorrow will be a rest day since I’m traveling back home. GREAT WEEK 2 Jenny!


Apr 28 at 05:23 PM

Traveled to my folks today to celebrate my daddy’s 86 bday. Love coming to their community fitness center! Two victories today: HANDSTANDS!! Amazing what having a wall will do for your confidence level! Actually held one for about five seconds and was so shocked I had to dance a little. Second victory: fully extended push-ups all five rounds! First time post surgery and such a significant sign of strength progression for me. I tend to do a modified burpee to protect my lower back so typically I like to do ball slams with it using a large weighted medicine ball. This fitness center has a nice size 14 pounder which was a perfect end to a great workout. Ball slams are without doubt in my top three favorite exercises. I think I would like to change my stage name to Ball-Slammin’ Queen! Will do core from yesterday tomorrow when I have more time! Great way to get all my muscles awake after driving for four hours!



Apr 22 at 04:56 PM

Week 1 proved to be a doozy, and today, I decided to just rest - not even sure if I’m going to walk my dogs. Body is TIRED, but in the very best way. I’ll be back at it tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, squad!



Apr 16 at 12:59 PM

I’m kind of giddy about the Get Salty Retreat in 30 days, so decided to do a full body session burner from the 12 days of Christmas program. Not sure how I missed that one in December but wow, I loved it. Went by so quickly and hit every muscle! Is there a way we can favorite workouts so there is a place we can go to do them again without searching through all the workouts? Excited for the Beach Shred tomorrow!



Apr 07 at 03:05 PM

At my parents for the weekend and love their community fitness center! Took Jenny with me and had to laugh because at one point I’m nodding my head at her instruction, and I look up and this old guy is just staring at me 😂😂😂 loved the exercises in this 42 minute session. Sucked wind on the cardio but ended up breaking a band on the lat pull downs. Feel like that balanced everything out. 👊🏻😜Hair is a MESS. Cold and rainy here in central Texas! But what a good day this is!! ✝️



Apr 05 at 07:00 PM

This session definitely had me feeling like a beginner! But I was able to get through the whole thing without being too gassed. Amazing how much strength you can lose in 4 weeks. Hoping gains will come back quickly. Loved the shoulder mobility exercises in this session. I have developed some incredibly grumpy shoulders over this past year. Hoping the mobility and strength training will help with that!