Jennifer Smartt

Jul 17 at 08:22 AM

I was skeptical on the eight minute Amrap. Loved it. I think those sneaks inspired me. 💕 The sevasana at the end was ahhhh lovely.

Jul 03 at 04:50 AM

This looks great!!


Commented on Hello from surf camp

Jul 02 at 06:34 AM

Wifi is spotty.

Commented on Hello from surf camp

Jul 02 at 06:33 AM


Commented on Hello from surf camp

Jul 02 at 06:32 AM


Commented on Cross Training!

Jun 15 at 02:20 PM

I mix it up with dance class for cardio and I SUP on the weekends. I did do a lot of magnesium bath soaks after some of those sessions. Good you are listening to your body.


Commented on Legs

Jun 15 at 12:15 PM

Yes right there with you. 😊😅😅

Commented on Beach shred week 6

Jun 14 at 02:41 PM

Way to go!


Commented on Calendar

Jun 14 at 02:40 PM

Yes, love the weekly recommendations. Stops the analysis paralysis.

Jun 13 at 09:52 AM

It is the best feeling!
