Jennifer Smartt


Sep 16 at 11:21 AM

WHOA. That was some leg insanity. I was feeling those duck lunges. Great leg day!!! I am sure I will be feeling it tomorrow. Happy Monday.



Sep 15 at 06:39 AM

Jenny brought the birthday energy to the birthday workout. 🏋🏼‍♂️ I delivered on those burpees for me and your birthday. Then I treated myself to a spa night. Enjoy celebrating! Thank you for your insights and inspiration!!


Aug 07 at 07:25 AM

Feeling the burn with abs, chest and core today. I need to work on my cheetahs. 🐆 I appreciate the seal imitation. I know there are more to come 🤣.



Jul 17 at 07:34 AM

Jenny you brought the energy to the core workout this am. What is in your coffee? 🤣



Jul 16 at 10:43 AM

Ohhhh ahhhh that back workout felt good today. This one will be on repeat. Loved Monday too. The bear crawls got me but felt accomplished and salty. Stay cool and hydrated. 💦



Apr 24 at 12:14 PM

Loved this back workout. I need to keep this one on repeat. Happy Wednesday. 💪🤛


Apr 20 at 09:23 AM

That was a great GRIND leg day workout from Week 3. Happy Belated Birthday to Megan. Send some sun to New England. I am growing gills 😳. Happy Trails to the retreat participants.


Dec 17 at 06:13 PM

Love the studio update. What a kick off! Those pop ups to plank jacks had me swearing at your cute Santa pants. I will be happy and hopefully walking on Monday.
Thanks for doing this during the busy holiday season. #athlete. ❤️



Dec 04 at 10:34 AM

Loved the shoulder burn! I will be aware of better posture today. That finisher was 🔥! Salty and satisfied! Thanks for the tips about winter months and movement!


Jul 31 at 05:32 PM

I have been off my game. Started the learn and burn and probably hit it too hard with trying to catch up and doing too much. My muscles were barking. So I listened to my body and found some stretch sessions and swam some laps. Phew!