Jennifer Smartt

Replied on Change of plans

May 23 at 01:06 PM

Thanks for asking. So far so good. I keep soaking and taping. I will try a few more slow and steady runs now.

Replied on Back to it!

May 23 at 10:12 AM

She is adorable. You are setting a great example for taking care of yourself!!!

Commented on Home Stretch!

May 22 at 03:52 PM

Yes, the daily victories. Here's to a great week 5!

Replied on Change of plans

May 22 at 05:39 AM

Traffic has been the worst. Also Taylor Swift and Celtics weekend The road race was in Marblehead. I went to my friends gym and we decided to do the road race. Safe travels to you this week. I

May 21 at 11:09 AM

What a great group. Thanks for sharing all the fun pics. FOMO for sure.

Commented on I'm back!

May 21 at 11:06 AM

Welcome back. Glad you are feeling better. I loved the dance too.

Commented on Twofer Thursday

May 20 at 02:52 PM

Missed you all too. Such wondeful pics of the Salt Squad. You worked/played hard. Safe travels home!!!

Commented on WEEK 5: RETREAT

May 19 at 09:23 AM

Dripping and can't stand up 🤣. That burnout at the end.

May 19 at 08:30 AM

Love this. Wondeful retreat. It is so nice to see the Salt Squad and learn the faces in the community. Y'all are crushing it. Congratulations Jenny!!!

Commented on Congrats, Athlete!

May 18 at 09:09 AM

Appreciate this post. Inspiration to check in and keep focused on goals. 🤛🌸