Jennifer Smartt

Commented on Sweet tooth

May 10 at 11:22 AM

Love this idea.

Commented on WEEK 4: BURN MONSTER

May 09 at 09:59 AM

Definitely a saver. My happy baby is now dead bug. Thanks for the shout out. Awful accident in traffic yesterday and I had the Justine's PB pack in the car skipped the evening pre dinner snack. So good tip Tku.

Commented on Instagram workouts

May 09 at 09:07 AM

Love and save the IG workouts. Efficient!

May 09 at 09:05 AM


Commented on post was deleted

May 08 at 06:35 AM

Thanks for the update. Mine has been glitchy as well. Look forward to that leg workout. πŸ˜…

Commented on Joined the Booty Band

May 07 at 08:41 PM

Love the pink!!

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

May 07 at 06:06 PM

Good for you.I do similar to you I roast some veggies for my salads. Pack some snacks for the car if traffic is bad. Justine peanut butter packs and nuts.

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

May 06 at 02:22 PM

Yay for Michigan The sun appeared today. I am in shock. Have a great weekend.

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

May 06 at 02:20 PM

So the astrology calendar said this is a good day to clean out and organize. So this is good. Have a good workout.

May 05 at 06:19 PM
