Jennifer Smartt

Jan 06 at 07:21 AM

Friday back session - the bra fat is melting off. 👍👏🤛 Good band session! Have a great weekend Salt Squad!

Commented on The aftermath

Jan 05 at 11:45 AM

My legs!!! Oof

Jan 02 at 06:31 PM

Appreciate the call and seeing Salt Squad Members. Good reminder on the call about free weight ranges. I need to up mine to challenge myself. 🤛👍

Jan 02 at 12:24 PM

Thanks for the Zoom info! Looking forward to it!

Jan 02 at 07:27 AM

LEVEL UP kick off was great. Appreciate the different modifications as they inspire! Thanks. I am SALTY!

Jan 01 at 07:10 PM

Would love this! Great idea!!!

Commented on Accountability Buddy

Jan 01 at 06:59 PM

Wow. Amazing Thank you for sharing. I am sorry about your dad. Going to find you on IG.

Dec 29 at 11:08 AM

Yessss. Looking forward to this program!!!

Commented on Studio Face Lift

Dec 27 at 11:50 AM

Love the pics!

Commented on Protein

Dec 19 at 07:12 AM

I like tempeh. I stir fry it with veggies and coconut aminos. It is filling and a decent source of protein