Jennifer Smartt

Jul 17 at 02:23 PM

Hope your workday gets better. A workout with Jenny always helps.


Jul 16 at 10:40 AM

That is me! Thanks Erika!


Jun 24 at 11:09 AM

Jenny Fisher Great idea.  At first it was intimidation but you demonstrated well - so then I was confident to try. Fine tuning would be great because those are effective!  

Jun 24 at 07:27 AM

Well that was some HIIT and Lift 😳

I was a bit spastic with the Everest and the bear jacks to sit out. I am glad I was at home for this workout. Good challenge. Definitely will revisit to work on my form.

Jun 22 at 10:59 AM

I agree on the three words. Napoleon Dynamite is one of my all time faves. On repeat in my house.


Jun 22 at 09:54 AM

Good Vibrations - feel it baby in those chest and shoulders. Those weighted squat jacks - pushed through and had to go down in weight the final round. Efficient 💪🤛

Happy weekend.


Jun 21 at 07:36 AM

I just caught up on leg day. I can't believe I like Bulgarian squats now. The four sessions really do help improve form and up weight. That was a BIG leg day. !

Jun 21 at 07:34 AM

Happy Birthday, Trace! Have a wonderful time with your sister.


Jun 19 at 07:32 AM

Loved that back and biceps session. Increased weight because I was in my little corner of the gym. We got a math lesson too! 🤣. Appreciate the Sammie and Delilah love. 💕

Jun 18 at 07:40 PM

I love this. You two are the dynamic duo.
