Jennifer Smartt

Jun 19 at 07:32 AM

Loved that back and biceps session. Increased weight because I was in my little corner of the gym. We got a math lesson too! 🤣. Appreciate the Sammie and Delilah love. 💕

Jun 18 at 07:40 PM

I love this. You two are the dynamic duo.


Jun 17 at 07:37 PM

And when Jenny said oh yes, one more round. 😳 I need to work on my bridges too.


Jun 15 at 12:28 PM

Happy news! Congratulations to Megan

Jun 11 at 10:55 AM

I went to early am spin class. Oh my quads: what was I thinking? Then I started the Tuesday full body and I had to hit pause.


Jun 10 at 07:59 AM


Dayo - that song was fun. I hope I am able to walk after this week's leg session. I grumbled at the bootie band finisher - but I liked it. So sweet to see Delilah and her new collar.

Jun 09 at 07:06 PM

Awww great dog pic. I admire the burpee selection!


Jun 09 at 03:51 PM

Yes. Definitely will come back to this one.

Jun 08 at 10:36 AM


I was all in on today's workout. 🏋️‍♀️ I am fortunate to have found Jenny three years ago. Thanks for the shout out. Of course, I loved the Sammie and Delilah love. I was cleaning out my photos and I found a pic when I started this program. 😳 It is not how I look it is how I feel now. I feel strong and inspired to try new things. I am so happy to be part of this community of support and empowerment. If I had one exercise I would do over from today's workout - it would be the tricep dips. Cheers to those 60 mountain climbers. Happy weekend.

Jun 07 at 06:23 PM

You are not alone. I felt leg day on my sit throughs on Wed and today! I foam rolled too. That was a tough session!!