Marte Lind Bergsli

Oslo, Norway

Commented on Salty puppy

May 23 at 04:26 AM

Just finished a season with my fur baby joining on the mat

Commented on Home Stretch!

May 23 at 04:24 AM

Done two seasons into week 5, great strong week!

Commented on WEEK 5: UPPER BURN

May 23 at 04:23 AM

Shoulders fatique! Was not able too do those side plank back bands at the end not at all

Commented on WEEK 5: KICK-OFF

May 23 at 02:58 AM

I think the funnniest american Word is toebox😂

Commented on WEEK 4: THE 1%

May 19 at 05:57 AM

And thats why we love Get Salty!

May 12 at 01:28 AM

Me too is behind😎 when last week started is was sick, then i went to finish ski season so i did week 3 wednesday yesterday and will do friday to day!


May 11 at 05:20 AM

Felt real good after squats and roes session :)

Commented on WEEK 3 KICK-OFF

May 03 at 04:50 AM

What a sesion my arms Are shaking! I love a good burnoutbut this was hard👌🏻🤪

Apr 26 at 04:05 AM


Replied on Beach Shred 2023

Apr 21 at 08:19 AM

Me too did it today! That was solid work!