Paula Carr MacDonald

Gainesville, VA, United States

Replied on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 12 at 09:33 PM

Thanks Trace! So far the second round of shots are keeping the debilitating pain away … praying it lasts long enough for the exercises and my chiropractor to right the ship and avoid surgery!

Replied on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 12 at 09:28 PM

I always need mobility 🙃

Commented on MVP on hold

Aug 11 at 01:14 AM

Sending healing vibes and well wishes to you all 😘


Commented on Hello!

Aug 11 at 01:10 AM

Yay! So glad you joined me my beautiful friend! We can totally modify together 😘 #LowImpactPaula 🙃


Aug 11 at 01:08 AM

Miranda no way my bits would fit a small 🙃🤪

Commented on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 08 at 08:46 AM


Scarcity is the mother of invention … traveling for work but found ‘weights’ in my hotel room and I had brought along my booty band 😍. Starting a day late, but thankful to be here! Lots of great exercises for strengthening my back!

Aug 08 at 07:35 AM

Condolences to you, Jessica. Those baby dogs will be great support 🥰


Replied on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 08 at 07:31 AM


Replied on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 08 at 07:31 AM

You’ve got this 👏🏻!


Replied on THE MVP CHAT

Aug 08 at 07:28 AM

Be careful with that back, Trace! Great job!
