Angie Morrell

Hooper, UT, United States

Sep 18 at 11:43 AM

It’s been a minute since we used a ball for bench presses. I felt like I was going to topple over.


Sep 16 at 12:18 PM

Umm yeah.. that was so tough. Glad I can mark it off as complete!


Sep 13 at 12:00 PM

Me too! I’m not sure my arms are going to work today.

Sep 12 at 01:06 PM

Jenny Fisher it’s my chest and triceps! Loving it


Sep 12 at 10:04 AM

Is anybody else sore from yesterday’s push day?? It’s a great feeling to be this kind of sore!

Sep 08 at 11:26 AM

I couldn’t agree more Alison Barry !


Aug 24 at 12:43 PM

Your nutrition talk today really hit home. I am so good during the day and I get weak at night. I’m going to try eating more Whole Foods during the day to curb that craving. As always, thanks Jenny!!

Aug 23 at 11:55 AM

No accidents today with the anchor! Thanks for the shout out and the warning 😜

Aug 19 at 04:35 PM


I used Erika’s tip for hip thrusters today and loved it! I was able to go up in my weight by using two. As always, glutes/hammie work is my favorite (as far as leg day goes).

Aug 15 at 02:06 PM

Wow Erika! You look amazing.
