Angie Morrell

Hooper, UT, United States


Sep 14 at 11:13 AM

Happy birthday Jenny! I won’t be able to join the live session today - my son has a soccer game at that time but I’ll be participating afterwards. Hope you have a great day!!



Jul 02 at 11:23 AM

I’m on my final week of the beach shred and just heard you will be announcing next years retreat. For the last two years I have envied everybody that went so I really really hope I can make it this year!
Side note for Jenny, I absolutely love you, your program and the app. I was thinking if it was at all possible to add a comments section for just the user. For example when I repeat a session I always wonder what weight I used. It would be cool to have that noted for just me. Could anybody find this useful?



Apr 28 at 10:57 PM

Jenny, I was wondering if you could give me some pointers on how to teach my brain how to focus on working my hamstrings. Like how you have done with the “bra fat area”. Your little thought tricks have really helped me work on that area and I could use the help with my hammies. Also, I hope you all had fun at the retreat- wish I could have been there!



Feb 04 at 04:57 PM

Need recommendations! We are leaving for Costa Rica in a week and I won’t be able to keep up with The Grind series but want to continue my fitness. Does anybody have favorites they like that require no equipment/booty band/resistance band?



Nov 20 at 04:17 PM

I would like to try some of everybody’s favorites. I have three that I found really challenging and fun!
45-Minute: CHEST CHAIR



Jul 19 at 10:05 PM

Is there a way on the app to see what sessions we did and when?



Feb 08 at 11:51 AM

I am new to the salty crew (well I’m on my 5th week) and I’m loving it. I have been a gym goer for years and years - running the treadmill and lift weights. I found I had plateaued and was losing hope of ever getting that toned body I really wanted. I decided to switched it up and found Ms Jenny on FB and decided to give her program a try. Cause I mean she (you) look so good!! I have been 100% committed and loving it! I can see results and that is exactly what I was looking for (I actually did a crow pose today never been able to before). They say knowledge is power and I truly believe that. Just understanding nutrition has opened my eyes to where I was lacking before. Thank you Jenny for helping me to achieve my goals and giving me the tools I needed!