Tessa Potgeter

Allendale, MI, United States

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

May 24 at 11:41 AM

Umm... My back is sore from Monday’s workout 🤣 anyone else?

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

May 23 at 02:26 PM

I wanted to do Monday's workout last night but my son had other plans, so I did it today. Man, I didn't know I was that tight. Felt great to stretch and move my lower back!

Commented on Listening

May 23 at 02:11 PM

Love it, Erica. I was thinking a run would feel awesome too.

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

May 22 at 07:31 PM

I did, Trace! So grateful but exhausted! Such a wonderful experience. I'm ready to knock out the workout when I get home!

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

May 13 at 09:30 AM

A friend of mine reminded me - we are our biggest critics. When other women look at us, they don’t see us as we are ourselves. I see strong, beautiful women! It does take time. And we need to have grace on ourselves. Two years ago, I felt this same way. Two years later and I feel more confident and better in my own skin. That doesn't mean I don't have those days. Society has created an unattainable image for us when every body is different. It’s a mental game! Sending big hugs, and remember you are the 1%! ❤️ * sorry for the incredibly long post*

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

May 12 at 11:34 AM

Loved today’s full-body workout. I was struggling at the beginning but got my butt into gear. Jenny, I appreciate you reminding us we are athletes, the 1%. And I love that the focus is on the strength of body and mind. Not weight loss! 🙌

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

May 10 at 03:03 PM

Excited for tonight's session. And can I just reiterate the fact Monday was killer? My glutes and quads are still feeling it! 🔥

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

May 09 at 07:56 PM

I did 😊

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

May 09 at 01:51 PM

Today's EMOM was tough after Monday's leg workout. Man, my legs were screaming at me! But I got it done and leveled up on most moves. You kept me going today, Jenny, because I was not feeling it this a.m.

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

May 08 at 05:26 PM

Looking like a bad a***!