Tessa Potgeter

Allendale, MI, United States

Image for the badge HABIT BUILDER.
HABIT BUILDER earned for a 3-day streak!
Image for the badge DAILY MOVER.
DAILY MOVER earned for a 6-day streak!

Feb 22 at 03:20 PM

This kicked my butt today 😂 But felt so good to move.

Feb 22 at 03:20 PM

Way to push through, Trace! ❤️

Feb 22 at 03:18 PM

This week was hard. I had influenza last weekend. I was recovering and was able to get in Monday and Wednesday’s sessions. Early Thursday morning, my sweet bud, Henry (youngest son), had a grand mal seizure. This is his second one. It is so scary to watch your child go through that. So, the last two days have been emotional. His neurologist ordered an urgent 24-hour EEG, which will take place next week. Because of his ASD and CI, his communication and understanding of the situation are limited. Prayers next week as we try to prepare him will be greatly appreciated. He has a lot of anxiety when it comes to hospitals. The last time he was admitted, he paced back and forth and kept asking to go home. I hope we can get some answers and that he will get some sleep 😵‍💫

Just got Thursdays session in and that kicked my butt 🤪

Feb 14 at 09:39 PM

This was a show-up, and give anything I had left session for me. Influenza has hit our house, and I have been a nurse to everyone this week. I may be exhausted, but I am not sick! 💪🏻


Feb 11 at 11:47 AM

Glad you're okay! That sweet pup 🥹

Feb 09 at 11:03 AM

Phew, that was a rough one for me, but I showed up!

Feb 07 at 06:04 PM

Is it just me, or did anyone else get their ass kicked by this session? 😂

Jan 29 at 04:55 PM

I voted!! ☺️


Commented on THE GRIND 25: W4 EMOM

Jan 28 at 04:35 PM

Great quick session before we head out for my son’s basketball game!

Jan 27 at 09:10 PM

Hang in there- you are not alone. I struggle during my cycle big time!