Meaghan Shelman


Nov 05 at 09:10 AM

Getting in those steps with the fam!



Oct 30 at 05:49 PM

I went out to my storage room turned work out room tonight to get it in. Popped my headphones on and let Pandora rip to warm up and just got lost in the music. I was able to come up with an awesome body lower body and core workout based off of everything I've been learning from Jenny over the last several weeks. How freaking awesome is that?! I'll tune in tomorrow for another one of her fantastic workouts! Tonight I just got lost in the music and it was totally therapeutic doing my own thing. Thank you for the tools Jenny!



Oct 26 at 01:31 PM

I have bounced around alot on this app over the last several weeks and I absolutely love the bring the strength workouts!



Oct 02 at 03:49 PM

I don't know whats better between my improved mobility, the visible toning and increased core strength that is happening or the 7lbs lost in 3 weeks! Its all pretty dang awesome! 💪😁🩷



Sep 27 at 03:00 PM

I'm almost done with week 2 of the beginner series. Loving it! You cant beat these good burns in these short amounts of time! Get Salty is exactly what I needed!



Sep 12 at 04:00 PM

Just did my first workout in the core & cardio group and holy crap it sucks to suck! I am a 30 y/o, mom of 3, have between 10 & 15 lbs I'd love to lose ASAP and a whole lot of strength and mobility I'd love to gain! Definitely on that out of shape, non atheletic beginner level! Woooo 😅