Tabitha Hook

Michigan, ND, United States


Apr 21 at 06:06 AM

Did a no equipment session from athlete maker this morning in my hotel room. Satan rounds killed me but got thru it! 🧂 💪 ❤️



Apr 20 at 08:42 PM

Shoulders and chest changed to shoulders arms and chest for me. Great session!


Apr 19 at 05:59 AM

I did Thursday’s session today it was great. Traveling and getting back into a routine was nice to do this morning!


Apr 18 at 05:58 AM

Leg day was killer 🔥 excited what the rest of this challenge will be like!



Mar 31 at 08:22 AM

Completed the 3 shorter sessions this morning! Great Friday morning sweat session! Happy Friday! Life right now for me is hard. Lots going on. I give my workouts what I got. Some days it’s not a lot but for me I know getting up and moving helps me conquer my day. I also rest more know it’s a season of life. Hope this helps someone else who may need to give themselves Grace too.



Mar 30 at 07:18 AM

Wow that was a challenge for me this morning! Great session hope everyone is having a great week!


Mar 21 at 08:08 PM

Upper body built tough! Sad to see this challenge end. Mondays live was an amazing session as always! Loved the AMRAP at the end!



Mar 17 at 07:37 AM

Back session was an amazing session loved it especially the EMOM at the end! Happy Friday salt squad!



Mar 13 at 06:26 PM

Husband picked this up for me as a surprise!He knows the person he got it from all he wanted for it was a bottle of whiskey! Here is to not destroying my living room lol 😂



Mar 11 at 10:39 AM

What a 🔥 session! Loved the EMOM. I’m crazy and I love burpees! My upper body is shaking! ❤️ great session as always!