Tabitha Hook

Michigan, ND, United States


Oct 19 at 10:16 AM

Hello salty sisters. I have been really quiet lately. Off my game of working out daily which I miss. Life is so hard right now. Which I do know that working out helps. I’m just physically mentally and emotionally exhausted. As some of you know my MIL lives with us she is now back up to 24 hour care she was at 8 hour care. My husband and I are her care takers even though we don’t have to do a lot for her I am told we are under chronic stress and my mind is always running never stops thinking about my family then also taking care of her. We are also starting the process of redoing our existing home or move or build. Our house isn’t big enough for all of us nor sage for MIL conditions. I keep coming in and out of a funk that I don’t know how to stop. Prayers for me and my family. Encouragement would be great. And if anyone has been in something similar or a funk what did you do?! Thanks love you all’



Jul 11 at 07:09 PM

I did the full body under suggested sessions. I remember learning pop ups and then finally get it. Tonight I did all 5 rounds of pop ups! And then felt like man that was easy! Then after I got done I had someone come up to me said how long have you been working out to beable to do things like that. So then I got talking about my journey this amazing app and the community. I hope she tries the app out she said she isn’t happy with the app she has.


Apr 23 at 06:27 AM

Salty 7 upper body. It’s all jello. 💪


Apr 17 at 03:08 PM

Finished the grind yesterday! Started salty 7 this morning loving it! Get to start beach shred on Hawaii! Safe travels to all my salty sisters going to Greece!


Feb 01 at 11:48 AM

Got up this morning worked out was great did the back session from week 4. Went to take a shower got lightheaded. Tried to continue to move to see if I could shake it off definitely not pretty sure I have virtego. Sucks hoping this doesn’t last long but healthy is important. I have been getting up earlier yesterday and today. I think I just wasn’t well rest maybe. Have an appointment with my doctor to hopefully get some for this 🤷‍♀️ if they can do anything for this or not. Definitely sucks!



Jan 24 at 06:15 AM

anyone else locked out of all week 3 sessions? I was able to look them up on my phone but when I went to my computer to push play I am locked out of each one but only for week 3. I logged off and signed back in still nothing. 



Jan 12 at 08:24 PM

Non scale victory. Shoveling your driveway determined to get it clear to pavement clearing the snow and ice like it’s nothing! I actually enjoy shoveling the driveway today I was proud of myself seeing how strong I was being able to move the snow and ice like I did! Then you turn around see that because it’s snowing so hard looks like you did nothing 😂



Jan 01 at 08:22 PM

When your daughter makes her own snack! Yogurt chia seeds and nuts!



Dec 24 at 07:44 AM

Salty 7 was so fun loved it! Did the hip hop today and that was a blast. I am so sweaty!


Dec 22 at 08:35 AM

Yoga session was so good. I needed that physically just as much as mentally. I feel so refreshed this morning after that session!