Tabitha Hook

Michigan, ND, United States


Mar 08 at 06:23 AM

Lol Jenny I was dying this morning from you talking about the reel I sent you I knew right away what you were talking about. But I’m sorry you got blisters! Those suck. But todays leg session 🔥 loves the setup and the whole new challenge it have! #salty let’s go crush this day!



Mar 07 at 09:14 AM

My arms are shaking and it feels so good! Great session Jenny!



Mar 04 at 12:31 PM

Pretty confident it’s going to be a few days of not going to beable to get off the 🚽 😂



Mar 02 at 06:09 AM

Wow what a great session. I love fully body those are one of my favorite workouts! Man this one exhausted me in a good way. Wish I had time to sit after just relax but gotta get on with my routine because well work lol 😆



Feb 21 at 06:51 AM

Jenny thank you for always being here for us. Your coaching is always amazing. Funny I woke up today and completed mondays session this morning. I too had low energy but I knew I’d have a better day by getting up and trying to give my 100% that I had in me today. Thanks for being the best coach!



Feb 19 at 04:27 PM

Dripping sweat from this session this was amazing. My husband did this session with me. Idk if you can see it in the photo but in the corner is his foot lol resting after that workout so proud of him! I normally workout when everyone is sleeping. As I did the cardio he says holly shit that’s impressive I didn’t know you could do that! Great week everyone cheers to week 2!



Feb 16 at 08:58 AM

Thick thighs saves lives! My thighs are rock hard since leg day and my ass is still sore too! Wednesday live completed this morning amazing! I personally don’t work on my chest change up some chest excerises and work my arms! Upper body is feeling it today already! Noticed my suit jackets are getting tight in the shoulders!!



Feb 07 at 09:43 AM

Did the back and core session this morning! Feeling my core this morning already! LOVED the EMOMS at the end!


Jan 27 at 06:43 AM

Exactly what I needed this Friday morning. I was so sore from leg session earlier this week. Had a busy full crazy week. Perfect way to start my Friday!


Jan 18 at 06:08 PM

Monday’s live amazing. My glites are sore from the 25 parts lol my husband got me booty bands for Christmas love using them instead of my other bands for certain moves or adding them into moves to level up! Am I one of the few that LOVE sit outs? I cannot do them without the donkey kick anymore 😂 just part of my move now I legit cannot do them any other way!