Kathleen Hosmer

Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Commented on Ouch

Apr 28 at 09:59 AM

Hopefully you just have a strain Captain Tabitha and given some rest and stretching you will recover just fine. Just see how you feel and don't push anything if it starts to feel worse at all.

Apr 26 at 02:50 PM

Just search "going out for varsity" in the catalog. It will pop right up as the only one.

Apr 26 at 11:54 AM

You said you would only watch if you said we were doing Satan's rounds again...so just remember you created that 1:20 of total burn :) 


Commented on Back

Apr 25 at 07:16 AM

When in doubt you can always pick up the heavier weights and if you can only get in a few reps you can drop down to a lighter weight, but you'll know that you found the right weight for you then. You're always crushing it woman!

Apr 21 at 06:28 PM

That husband of yours chiming in with a darn nice idea.

Commented on The little things

Apr 21 at 06:26 PM

Jennifer, good for you giving yourself grace on being a little behind. I too will probably get behind next week while visiting my sister with only bands available. I know I will catch up in time. No worries, you do you woman! 😊


Mar 17 at 02:47 PM

Really loved this session! I despise renegade rows because they usually bother my wrists but today I was able to get through them with a moderately heavy weight--winning :) Put this one in my favorites to come back to later for that great full body burn that built strength and kept my heart rate up.  

Commented on What the Frogger

Mar 16 at 11:24 AM

Ok, so those froggers have my glute-ham tie-in area so sore, trying to do those sit-outs today from last night's back session-I was so not as graceful as normal, totally on the struggle bus.  Glad to know they were effective and all, but seriously...I'm good on the froggers for this week...

Mar 03 at 12:52 PM

Captain Tabitha--you're always killing it woman!  

Commented on BACK FOR FUN

Feb 06 at 11:09 AM

I should have known when I decided to do the EMOM at the end a second time through that you would have another finisher in there...but it was all worth it! Really liked the back work in this one, used my over the door anchor x 2 for both sets of pull downs. Highly recommend them to anyone looking to step up some of their band work at home.