Kathleen Hosmer

Winston-Salem, NC, United States

Jan 17 at 10:46 PM

Jenny Fisher There will be some cheat meals this weekend for sure with a friend coming in this weekend. 😊


Jan 17 at 09:54 PM

They were just fatigued rather than hurting during the planks in the warmup. It could be the decreased calories this month too. Just had less pep even after eating 2 good meals prior to training. I've been doing a "dryish" January and mostly eating at home which means healthy meals, less sweets, and less snacking. Really trying to tune into intuitive eating for me. So I'm not eating if I'm not hungry, but it has definitely left me in a calorie deficit, which is good after the extended holidays. I've got some extra fluff that's ok, but I'm not that attached to it 😆


Jan 17 at 09:43 PM

Did W2 leg day yesterday and while my quads were on fire during the session, today it's my hammies that are sore. Slowed me down some on the burpees today, besides the fact that I just felt slow and my shoulders were just not in it today (even before the AMRAPs, they were trying to tap out in the warmup 🥵, seriously 😆😬). Hope y'all's experience went or goes a little better than mine.

Jan 17 at 09:32 PM

I love my Garmin! The heart rate tracker can still be off sometimes but I still like it for all the data and GPS info that I get.

Jan 16 at 01:09 PM

These are all amazing 😍 I have a small bedroom on the 2nd floor so I have to be cautious with the weights and jumping. It works since it's still a dedicated space but box jumps aren't allowed...my husband is afraid I'm going to crack the ceiling below the room 😆😬

Jan 10 at 09:46 PM

Elizabeth Vermeychuk Thanks! And love that I'm not the only one showing off giving the piggybacks 😁


Jan 10 at 04:43 PM

Get it girl! All the heavy weights! 🙌

Jan 10 at 10:15 AM

Looking forward to getting home from work and trying today's session. Still testing the waters of my biceps tendonitis but so far so good. Also looking forward to buying heavier dumbbells that my husband doesn't think I need. Apparently he hasn't considered how much he weighs when I can piggyback him on me. 😆😆😆

Jan 10 at 10:13 AM

That's awesome 😆😁