Christine Bush Roman

Johns Island, SC, United States

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

May 06 at 06:35 PM

I have to go out of town next week, but I'm not willing to miss any sessions!  I'm going to throw some bands in the carry-on. Jenny, if you think of it throw some band/body weight modifications my way and I'd be ever so grateful! 

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

Apr 27 at 09:14 AM

Y'all - I caught up with Wednesday's live this morning. My legs were still so wobbly three hours later that I just tripped going up a cement staircase and couldn't make my legs work to catch myself. So, I just basically collapsed on the stairs in front of twenty 4th and 5th graders. Nothing hurt but my pride. Fun stuff. 

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

Apr 21 at 08:29 AM

I was up with one of my kids half the night and hit snooze until 6:20 this morning, but someone rolled out of bed and crawled into my sports bra because I didn’t want to miss the live with all you guys!

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

Apr 20 at 10:41 AM

Really testing us with those 100 mountain climbers! I’d rather do almost any other exercise than mountain climbers! Dammit Jenny! 🤣

Commented on Beach Shred 2023

Apr 18 at 02:57 PM

I was super sick and had to take a week off, so it’s extra exciting to be able to return to new series beginning! I really appreciate this community!


Mar 07 at 09:47 AM

Thanks for the shout out in Monday’s live, Jenny! I almost didn’t show up. I’ve been on the struggle bus lately and hearing my name made me feel a part of this community and helped with some much needed motivation. ❤️


Feb 16 at 05:56 PM

I think it would have gotten me. I nearly collapsed because my arms were toast. 

Feb 13 at 02:36 PM

If I’m already sore from today’s live, that really doesn’t bode well for how my little leggies are going to feel tomorrow. 🤣

Jan 24 at 07:36 PM

I love those shoes!!!


Jan 24 at 09:16 AM

I was exhausted and freezing cold this morning, and the idea of getting up before 6am so I’d have time to workout made me feel like crying. I made myself just push play and Jenny was on there saying she didn’t feel like showing up either, but we were both there doing it anyway. I told myself I just had to get through 15 minutes, but by the end I was feeling better and decided to doThursdays mini cardio too. Yay to all of us for doing hard things…. Like showing up for our workouts instead of smashing the alarm clock with a hammer.