Christine Bush Roman

Johns Island, SC, United States

Jul 14 at 08:21 AM

A little fear and dread at 6:30 in the morning never killed anyone. 🤣


Jul 14 at 07:29 AM

“It’s gonna test you mentally.” Nope, don’t love hearing that before the workout starts. 😆

Commented on Not sore?

Jun 16 at 11:27 AM

I’ve also wondered this. I have done workouts that left me shaking and totally spent, but then the soreness never comes. What’s does it mean?!


Jun 15 at 02:08 PM

Is anyone else taking a week or two off from the intense weight training after that wild 8 weeks? I was sore nearly every day and my body wanted a break! I’ve been jogging or doing old school step aerobics everyday this week! 🤣 For those of you doing something different to mix it up between Jenny’s programs, what are you doing for exercise?


Replied on Beach Shred 2023

Jun 09 at 04:52 PM

Trace Kennedy Thank you!


Replied on Beach Shred 2023

Jun 09 at 10:17 AM

Which ones did you get? I ordered some fabric ones from Amazon and hated them! (But I also hate my glorified rubber bands, too! )


Commented on New Calendar Feature!

May 28 at 09:09 PM

Really like this feature!

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

May 17 at 12:24 PM

If you search for “pop ups” in the app search bar you can find a tutorial for building up to them.
I usually only let loose with the bad language when you announce anything is more than 3 rounds!

Replied on Beach Shred 2023

May 06 at 10:02 PM

Thank you!!💛