Trace Kennedy

Mar 21 at 08:53 PM

I have always enjoyed shoulder workouts but have never done them exclusively. Just doesn’t make sense in my brain when I could also get my back or chest involved and kill two birds with one stone. I also don’t need to train my shoulders a ton to get them to “pop” so it has never been a super major focus. But man I can’t get a round butt…..


Mar 19 at 08:15 AM

Annie this made me laugh out loud! 😹

Mar 18 at 04:11 PM

Due to some back issues, I have been sidelined all weekend. Chiro and complete rest day on Saturday and yesterday just walking. Still not “right” but hoping to get back to the grind tomorrow, maybe this evening. Part of me just wants to watch the leg video to see what I have to look forward to. Definitely better than most tv!! 😂😂

Mar 18 at 04:08 PM

I would definitely watch!


Mar 18 at 04:07 PM

Super mom because you can mom!! So awesome! Hope her leg heals quickly! 🩷


Mar 16 at 01:18 PM

Do you know if they run true to size?

Mar 15 at 05:12 PM

Total body HIIT is one that as soon as I started I had flashbacks to this session. Cussed a lot the first time I did and cussed a lot today. I did feel stronger but back is in need of an adjustment so front squats just weren’t working for me. Subbed in ball slams and that just never disappoints. I am sweaty and ready to step into the weekend! Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all of you - May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. The rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand. 💚☘️🧂


Mar 14 at 09:20 PM

Sara Jurek that’s exactly how I feel about this series!!


Mar 14 at 06:24 PM

Week 11 chest and core!! WERKED IT!! I’m not really a chest session fan, but man you always make them so dang good! Thanks for always putting the “WOOOO!” In our sessions and keeping us motivated to push ourselves beyond what we think we are capable of! I’m strutting off the mat today! 💪🏻😤

Mar 12 at 06:37 PM

Erika Sanchez it is so worth it! Jennys best series to date!
