Trace Kennedy


Apr 04 at 06:59 PM

Did week to of beginnerā€™s athlete camp leg sessionā€¦ wowā€¦ seriously thankful I opted to start back with the beginner series. My legs were quaking at the final roll down stretch! Stamina is still around 50 percent and had to modify for the HIIT portion because I was getting winded, but hopefully, every session will reveal progress!


Apr 01 at 01:49 PM

Itā€™s been four weeks since my last strength training session, and today just felt right to get back in the saddle. Still working through recovery post surgery (had a lobectomy on March 7 - right upper lobe due to a cancerous mass that was found). Almost in tears because of how good the last 53 minutes felt, and simply praising God for movement, healthy bodies, and the strength He has given me these last six or seven weeks of walking through this most unexpected journey. Started in the beginnerā€™s series because I just wasnā€™t sure what I would be capable of. Did the 12 minutes sessions for back: strength, muscle endurance, flexibility and balance, and then finished with the core. Yes, I had to use significantly lighter weight than what I am used to, and I did get a little winded, but overall, my body was just squealing with delight to be moving and training again. My chest tube incision is still a bit tender (itā€™s just under my breast) and my lung is still adjusting to the new normal and shifting up in that spot where the lobe was, so I had to make some modifications to the core work. When it didnā€™t feel right, I just moved into a plank position and held it. Great great first session back. My comeback has started!! Thank you Jenny for your continued support and encouragement throughout this journey. You truly do go above and beyond. Canā€™t wait to hug your neck in May!



Mar 05 at 02:08 PM

I remember this workout when you did the Strong Fitness lives, which is where is discovered you. Pretty sure that go around in 2021 I subbed something for the reverse burpees. I slayed those bad boys today! Broad jump walk backsā€¦.. inner thighs were screaming at the screen!! Have a blessed Sunday!



Mar 04 at 12:18 PM

This workoutā€¦.. absolute šŸ”„šŸ”„ I would take a picture and show you my salty self but literally look like I was dragged out of the pool by my dog! Having surgery on Tuesday that will impede my conditioning for awhile. Six to eight weeks is what the surgeon said, but Iā€™m shooting for four to six. This workout will be part of my comeback to measure my exertion capability. Love having a squad to come back to. Until Tuesday, Iā€™m going to try and get as many workouts in as possible! Yā€™all will be my inspiration! šŸ§‚šŸ”„šŸ’•



Feb 27 at 05:18 PM

Always down for a total body workout and todayā€™s did not disappoint! Great way to begin this week! Ready to slay the rest of it. Stepping into a season and not sure how long it will last so wonā€™t be here for the next several weeks, but Iā€™ll be reading through all your posts and cheering on your progress! Yā€™all are such an amazing and strong group of salty athletes! Blessed to be part of such an incredible team! ā¤ļø



Feb 26 at 06:48 PM

Fridayā€™s back session - AMAZING! I am toast, but in the best possible way. Those last four minutes were an šŸ‘ kicker!!! Excited for the live full body tomorrow!


Feb 25 at 02:33 PM

Running behind this week so just got in Tuesday and Wednesday workouts. Legs are jelly today and will be cement bricks tomorrow! I havenā€™t lifted heavy legs in years! Tomorrow, Jenny, every time I want to curse you, Iā€™m just going to pray for you instead. Prepared to be prayed OVER, Girl! Damn, I love this stuff!



Feb 22 at 09:59 AM

Great words for Mondayā€™s chest and core. Cheetahs just freaking kill me but managed to get through them all without stopping. They still kill, but not as much - progress! Great workout! Thanks, Jenny!



Feb 16 at 11:42 AM

Seriously šŸ”„ Jenny! Those last five rounds - holy smokesā€¦.. I had to keep repeating over and over, ā€œStrength is a privilege and a giftā€¦.. Strength is a privilege and a gift!ā€ Great way to go into the rest of my day!!



Feb 15 at 11:52 AM

Work and life conflicts kept me from starting on Monday, but WOW, so glad I started with legs. LOVED this workout, Jenny! Excited to see strength gains since all I have mostly been doing for three years is Pilates (few salty sessions thrown into the mix). Itā€™s been a minute since I picked up heavy weight, but man does it feel good! Am going to try and get todayā€™s push day in later this afternoon. Ready to slay the rest of my day! WootWoot! BTW, does anyone else say hi and wave to Jenny when the video starts? šŸ˜‚ Habits of zoom and google meet - hahahahaha! Just know Iā€™m waving at ya, girlšŸ‘‹