Trace Kennedy

May 31 at 06:24 PM

I’m still recovering!! Feeling much better knowing I wasn’t the only one!


May 31 at 06:23 PM

Right there with y’all! There may have been a few times where I thought just dying would be better!


May 31 at 05:07 PM

I have absolutely no words for today’s total body primal session. Not sure if I want to pass out or throw up! WOW! That one totally made me feel like I’m missing part of my lung! I think I will really like it after I recover and can see without getting sweat in my eyes. 😵 Totally me right now if that is a face emoji that is dead - I can’t see it so not sure!

May 29 at 07:30 PM

Great quick cardio mini session for hump day! Legs are still sore from the Murphy inspired workout on Monday!


May 28 at 06:39 PM

Erika Sanchez they scampered away about three hours later. Just needed to warm up and dry out, and get a little nourishment in them. I’ll probably be cursing them in a few days for eating my cushions 😂😂 But so glad they are ok. They were exhausted!


May 28 at 02:38 PM


Found another one while I was working on the first one. Sure hope they just need to dry off and warm up!!


May 28 at 02:15 PM

Back session was a great way to spend my lunch break! Had to cut it short at the last band exercise and stretch because as I was doing the lat pulldowns, I saw a squirrel struggling on the spa stair. We had violent storms early this morning and i fear he caught the brunt of it. Have him curled in a towel hopefully drying off and warming up. Poor baby!

May 27 at 01:27 PM

You look sensational!


May 27 at 01:26 PM

How do you look so freaking adorable after a salty session???

May 27 at 01:25 PM

I built a prayer garden in my side yard one summer about 13 years ago. Took me three months and hands down was insanely the hardest physical thing I have ever done especially in the Texas heat - but man was it worth it!! Great Job Tessa!!😤