Trace Kennedy

May 27 at 01:23 PM

Challenge accepted! 😅 - the weighted vest because I don’t have one. The only time I’m grateful for not having a piece of equipment! Honestly, those lunges were hands down the hardest part of this challenge, especially going to the buzzer on the last round. Thank you for your tribute to our fallen soldiers and to those who served our country! I was born in Ft. Benning, Martin Army Hospital, June 1965. So proud to be an army brat! ❤️‍🩹🤍💙


May 25 at 06:22 PM

Annie Steady stream of cursing for me during them!


May 25 at 04:56 PM

A level that has a crap ton of push presses!


May 25 at 03:03 PM

Chest and core had me like 🤬! And yes I puckered when you said that was just the warm-up - LOL! Haven’t dropped that many F-bombs in awhile, but that last ten minute AMRAP was crazy hard. Had to do knee pushups because my chest and arms were toast! Great session to make me look forward to my rest day and pool day tomorrow! Grilling out with the fam and floating in the pool! Enjoy the weekend!😎🇺🇸

May 24 at 04:18 PM

We will be here ready to root you on! May with school aged kids is ROUGH!!!


May 24 at 04:18 PM

I ended up going back to fast, hopping sit outs because the side to side kept messing me up. Still hit where it needed for sure!

May 24 at 04:16 PM

We are in the same decade Dawn, and I couldn’t agree more - from someone who knew exactly what you were talking about with romper room and magic garden. I work for those shout outs!!


May 24 at 04:15 PM

Definitely a salty one!

May 24 at 04:13 PM

You weren’t lying when you said the total body was a sweaty one!😅 Look like I just jumped in the pool! Jumping rope in between is hard because I train on my porch, so as we were warming up I caught my rower staring at me and begging me to incorporate her into the workout. Damn! That was werk! But I loved it. Will start doing that more. Hope all of you have a great long weekend! Happy Memorial Day!

May 23 at 05:51 PM

Core session today felt GOOD!
