Trace Kennedy

May 20 at 09:07 PM

100 percent agree!


May 20 at 09:06 PM

Prayer pose had me like….. when she told us to go into downward dog, I just felt the need to pray a little more!


May 20 at 09:05 PM

Jennifer Flaherty mine is definitely gonna feel swoll tomorrow!


May 20 at 09:04 PM


May 20 at 09:04 PM

Kate Rizzolo I’ll definitely revisit it - that much fun!

May 20 at 06:35 PM

Week three leg session was salty AF!!! I am dripping sweat and my legs are nothing but jello. Who knew a chest and core session could make your legs sore. Woke up to tender legs after that session yesterday, so wasn’t sure how today would go, but this session actually worked out the tenderness I had. Felt strong and increased some weights today. Awesome start to the week, and I will definitely be doing the stretch session from yesterday in conjunction with tomorrow’s mini session!

May 20 at 05:52 PM


May 19 at 05:07 PM

Hard not to do the burpees after that kind of workout! I’m just glad I didn’t make them my cardio in between sets! With you on the love for the challenge!


May 19 at 05:06 PM

Sunday was definitely a fun day with that chest and core session! 😅 Those 36 minutes sessions are always sneaky intense! Jenny Fisher do you mind sharing your google link where we can leave a review? I never know how to find it on google…🤦🏼‍♀️


May 19 at 12:53 PM

Great description!