Elizabeth Vermeychuk

Mar 18 at 12:06 PM

Biceps shot!! Loved this one!


Mar 16 at 08:50 PM

Thankful for functional fitness and being able to carry around a human back pack up and down the stairs, with additional movement throughout the day helping my daughter. Get Salty is for life - and what a positive experience it is with all of you athletes!! What you do, Jenny, makes a difference world wide. You are a Queen! 🧂 💪 💕


Feb 21 at 10:07 AM

I 100% am there with you on this, my perimenopause sister. Love that you are also tweaking sessions so you still get your days in, but adjusting as your body slowly changes with hormonal ups and downs. You’re killin’ it, Salty Lady!!


Feb 14 at 09:31 AM

Quote of the day: “Your husband should be a perve for you.” 🙌 Happy Valentine’s Day, salt squad! 💪 🧂 heart💖

Jan 24 at 08:53 PM

Yes, please let us know how you like those. I’ve been debating getting myself something similar 😊

Jan 17 at 09:00 PM

lol. I saw the text thread 😂. I was cursing like a sailor

Jan 17 at 04:10 PM

Jenny Fisher it’s my Garmin. I prefer it when working out. But I enjoy tracking on my Apple Watch better when analyzing sleep patterns


Jan 17 at 03:28 PM


Jan 17 at 02:27 PM


Jan 17 at 02:26 PM

Whelp, almost threw up with todays session. That was fun on so many levels, but dang. Showed me big time where my weaknesses lie. I’ve got some work to do, son. 💪🧂